Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 12, 2014

Blogging Tips

Like many others I have become the blogger I am today through trial and error So here are some things I learnt along the way that will hopefully help you guys out!

*Sorry for the text heavy post*

1. The Commitment
This is the most important thing of all to have, if you don't have the commitment then your blogs not going to go far. You need to be committed to spending a lot of time on your blog with planning, designing, photography, writing and more, I for one definitely have blogging on the mind 24/7!

2. Picking a name
Domain names are great, they give your blog more of an identity but don't buy a domain name just to have a domain name, wait until you have a name you love as you're going to be using that name all the time.

I was crap at picking names, my first was "Just as Wild" which a friend had suggested but I never liked it so I didn't buy the domain, but one day it hit me that one of my favourite quotes is "All that glitters is not gold" and combing that with my love for shimmer products "All That Shimmers" was born!

When you have picked a name you like use a well known domain website, I made the mistake of using any old website then I had to pay an extra £10 to transfer it to a site that would 100% work with Blogger, I now use GoDaddy!

3. Picking a layout
My design for me is quite important, I won't rest until my blog is looking how I want it. You don't need to pay loads to have a fancy layout, sometimes less is more - especially with blogging.

Premade layouts can get quite pricey but just keep looking until you find "the one", I actually paid £4 for my layout off Etsy! Then I used trusty Google for help with HTML codes and tweeking till I got it how I saw fit and now my blog looks nothing like the one I originally bought.

Original layout on the left, mine on the right. 
One thing I have to say is back up your template when playing with HTML codes! I actually lost my comments box recently and I couldn't figure out how to get it back so I started from scratch and retweeked it till it looked the same again (which took ages, didn't realise how much I'd changed!)

Just go to your Blogger Dashboard > Template then click Backup/Restore in the top right to save your current layout and/or to upload a new one.

4. PR
I've been approached by a few people now wanting me to advertise them on my blog. I nearly did one as the company contacting me was on behalf of a well known TV channel, I was excited that I'd gotten access to exclusive content - but the content I had access to wouldn't have suited my blog and what you guys expect from me so I decided against it.

Basically you can say no to PR companies if you want to, don't write a post for someone if you genuinely have no interest in what they're asking you to write. Your blog is your property you can do literally whatever you want with it, wait for the day someone approaches you with an offer you're actually interested in - it will make for a better post.

5. Blog RT Pages
There are many Twitter accounts set up to help less-known bloggers reach a wider audience by retweeting them, I actually own a RT Twitter myself, basically all you have to do is mention me in your tweet (@BBlogRT) and I will RT it to my 10k+ followers. Easy!

I hope these have been helpful! Be sure to check out my other tips on:

Emma xo

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