Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 11, 2014

The Christmas Tag

I never normally do tags but when I got tagged in this one by Olivia I couldn't resist! I'm feeling really christmassy this year already and I want to share that with all of you!

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie(s)?
I actually get more excited for adverts than movies, I love both the Sainsbury's and John Lewis adverts soo much this year! But picking a movie I would say Gremlins. This movie reminds me sooo much of being a child. It's one of those movies that if it's on over Christmas it has got to be watched. I also love Gizmo, I still want one of my own.. Although my ferret is called Gizmo, haha!

2. Do you open your present on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas morning for definite! I feel that opening presents beforehand would ruin the whole point of getting the presents, I like being sat with everyone and watching them open their presents as well, Christmas morning is the best morning of the entire year. 

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
One year as a child my Mum had worked a night shift on Christmas Eve and had got her boyfriend at the time (now her husband and my sisters dad) to baby sit me, I woke up in the middle of the night, gone down stairs and opened all my presents she had bought me without her there to watch me! She got home to finding me playing countless games of Guess Who with her boyfriend, haha! 

4. Favourite festive food?
This might sound weird but on Christmas mornings my family have always had a fry up after opening all our presents, that was the best! Definitely going to miss that this year! 

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I can't think of a favourite present but I remember one that I was probably most excited about, it was one of those Sony Walkman phones that slid up? It was grey and had a pink flowery pattern on the back... #swag

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
CINNAMON. I love cinnamon so much.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Buying loads of last minute stuff in a rush as everyone's just been paid! I have so many memories of being a child of rushing round town with my family buying countless last minute things... Maybe that has taught me well, as I begun buying presents in October this year!!

8. What tops your tree?
This changes over the years, we're not one of those families who have had the same star or fairy over the years and has been carried down through generations - which sounds really cute! We have had a star over the past few years though.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never recieved?
I don't think I've ever asked for anything TOO crazy, I used to point to every childrens advert like "I WANT THAT" (in the least selfish way I can make that sound!) but one present I've always asked for and never got for the past few years is a Pug. If you know me even a little bit you know I have wanted a pug for years, I have lots of pug teddies, socks, notebooks, etc to fill the pug shaped hole in my life...

10. Whats the best part about Christmas for you?
I think the answer to this question changes with age, as a kid I was excited for all my new super cool presents! Now I'm excited about what I'm giving to other people, especially having a 6 year old sister - I have to hold back buying so many things for her! But I can't wait to see her face for when she sees what I have gotten for her!

I tag:
And any one else who reads this! Don't forget to link me as I would love to read them!

Emma xo

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