Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 10, 2014

Happiness is beautiful!

Now I'm sure you're all familiar with all the inspirational "love your body" stuff that floats around the internet, I do agree with most of what they say - as everyone should love their body and we are all beautiful in our own way. But what really annoys me about them is a lot of the time its normally a larger girl slagging off skinny girls or vice versa. What's wrong with being skinny? What's wrong with being fat? You can say one or the other is unattractive, but that's not true, people still love other people of all sizes - it's a preference thing as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So why do people strive for a tiny body size so badly if it makes them unhappy? Love the body you have, it's your body, nobody elses! I personally think people should be striving more for their happiness than their looks - because if getting your desired body isn't making you happy, then what is the point? You could be the most beautiful looking person in the world yet still be the unhappiest, so again - what is the point? As long as you're happy, who cares about if you can fit into a size 10 pair of jeans or a size 12? I may sound hypocritical as I care about my hair, make up and clothes BUT I do those things because they make me happy, not so people will like me or because I feel I need too.

I'll never forget a day in school (like 4 years ago now) that me and Abi (Meet me in Mayfair) got called "Supersize vs Superskinny" by this girl that we really didn't get on with. Like come on, why would you say that to someone? That is the most horrible comment you could ever say to two people, what on Earth made her think it was a good idea to say that? It just makes her look like the most horrible human being. If we were really insecure about our weight, that could have set either of us off and possibly result in an eating disorder and she would have been entirely to blame. If you really feel the need to comment on someone else's weight in a malicious way you clearly have issues with your own that you need to sort out as you're clearly unhappy. I really believe in the saying "treat others how you wish to be treated" especially now I'm older and it is so, so true - if you're a dick to someone expect them to be a dick back, but if you're kind to someone they're going to repay your kindness with some of their own (unless they're a dick).

I find that really sad that people feel the need to slate other people for their size, that is a part of that person there is no right and wrong in how people look - we all look different, you could weigh the exact same as someone but still look completely different as we are all different. This is why people should be striving for happiness because let's be honest, with relationships people come around at the beginning for your looks, not always in a shallow way but you're going to be attracted to the person for their looks when you start pursuing your interest, then you go on to find out about who they really are - and at the end of the day what makes them stay is your personality, as in 50 years you both are not going to be attractive as you are right now but you would still be together regardless of what they look like as you love your significant other not because what they look like, but because of who they are. 

I don't let my size control my life. Too many people do though. But unless it effects your health (as you can be too skinny or too fat) who cares? You shouldn't let your weight define your happiness. I personally don't care about what everyone thinks of me - I'd be lying if I said anyone because I do. I care what my boyfriend, friends and family think, but if they're worth having around they would love me for who I am, not if I could fit into a size 6 or a size 16.

My main goal in life is to achieve happiness if that means I'm fat, thin, poor or rich. I will do all I can to say I lived a happy life as I feel that is something to be proud of and I would like to be remembered as a happy person. 

(sorry about the rant)
Emma xo

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