Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 9, 2014

Annoying things about working in retail (in gifs!)

Like many other people my first job was in a retail environment (yay...) luckily, I now have my current job working in an office so I'm free from these woes! Here are some of the annoying things I came across in my own personal experience.

The "do you work here" question - no I'm just wearing the uniform for the fun of it.

Coupons. Need I say anymore? They were always a pain to put through the till. 

The breaks you get are no where near long enough.

When a customer tries to return something without a receipt... especially when it's clearly been used.

When a customer's telling you their life story when there is a massive queue behind them

All you can think about is going home after your shift...

Although you earn minimum wage, so you can't go too crazy...

If you work in a well known retail company the employee discount is normally only 10%

When you have to get a product from the stock room for a customer, the dark, scary stock room..

When a customer claims a product is a different price to what's showing on the till. It could be a 10p difference but they still want the money off, making the process of serving them even longer as you have to leave your till to double check.

When a customer comes and messes up a shelf that took you ages to tidy

When someone's card gets declined...

When you get called to come in on your day off

Struggling to be polite to the rudest of customers

Customers who form their own queue, then get pissed off when you continue serving the actual queue

4 hours feels like 4 days

When you put your hand out for money and they place it on the counter anyway

Last but not least - people who are still wondering about even though the store is clearly closing! And you sort of stand there watching them hoping they eventually get the hint.

Are any of your experiences in retail similar? Let me know!

Emma xo

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