Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 8, 2014

Review of Made in Chelsea: NYC Episode 3

Hellooo again fellow Made in Chelsea fans, sorry this post is late, been slacking over the bank holiday! Anyway, last episode left off with a few exciting things to look forward to in this episode! Binky's birthday, Billies and Stevie's date ANNND the unfolding of the Jules, Lucy and Rosie love triangle... Time to watch week 3 now!

I'm going to start off with Mark Francis, THAT HOT DOG SCENE GOT ME. It got me good... Even more than #neverheardofnandos last season. I love Mark Francis so much, he could really have his own spin off show if he ever leaves MIC.

Louise and Alik...
They finally got some alone time as Rosie was on a boat with Binky, Mark and Victoria! (before the hot dog incident obvs) Alik just seems the most genuine guy to have ever been on the show and they are so suited for each other... or is it just me that thinks that? I really hope their relationship lasts longer than just this series, think it would be great to see him on the streets of Chelsea! 

Riley, Riley, Riley... She has been soooo grumpy since arriving! Especially around Stevie and Jamie... YOU ARE IN NEW YORK WOMAN! Do you know how many British females such as myself would kill to be in your position, being paid to just be in New York? At least crack a smile!

Spencer vs. Stevie...
After Billies date last week with Spencer (still not happy about this btw) Stevie finally asks her on a date this episode and the date is very Stevie-esque... Basically really really cute and you just want to squeeze his chubby cheeks! Although I really want Stevie to get the girl I love the fact it is the girl playing the guys for once! Spencer is finally getting a taste of his own medicine and it's brilliant to see! 

Also in the last episode Spencer told Billie that Jamie is gay... smooth words right there Spenny! So she told Proudlock and Stevie and they came up with this great idea to prank both Jamie and Spencer by saying she has a really hot friend (Carson) who she wants Jamie to meet! And he just fell for it by saying "I don't care, I just want a date!" HAHA. When Jamie gets the jist of going on after Billie introduced him to Carson he goes all awkward and doesn't know what to say, then (with a hint of curiosity and confusion in his eyes) he brushed off Carson's invitation by saying "I wish I was gay" oh Jamie.

Binkys Birthday Part 1
Binky's older sister is an artist, so for a little birthday surprise she got Binky, Louise and Rosie painting some "life art" with a male model... aka willy drawing! They were all giggling nervously at the situation, it's such a weird concept to all us non-art cultured people... I was surprised at Rosie laughing though though, as she is a "history of art" graduate! Or is that me being dim? Either way he must have felt so insecure about his manhood, taking off his dressing gown in front of 4 women and to have 3 of them just laughing... If that was me, I would have ran out the room covering my bits! Remember "there's more to him than just his willy" 

This shocked me a little bit, I know he was being a bit of a player but... "polyamorous" I literally paused 4OD and Googled what this word meant, and it means to have multiple intimate relationships and having the consent from all those involved... So being an honest man slut basically? Ergh, creepy. He's also in a 2 YEAR OPEN RELATIONSHIP. How do you be with someone that long and not have feelings or want to be exclusive? And he was talking to her openly about wanting to sleep with another girl... Oh god I can't wait for the others to find this information out next episode!

Binkys Birthday Part 2
This was a nice little surprise! Gabriella is one of the original cast of Made in Chelsea so her doing a guest appearance was literally the best surprise Binky's sister could have pulled off! Although, I still don't like her singing and she seemed quick on the game to try and prove she's done better now than when she was with Ollie... I've honestly never been a fan of her. I would love to see Caggie do an appearance though!

Next time...
Sam has flown over to join them in New York wooooooo!
Rosie to discover that Jules is polyamourous...
Stevie and Spencer STILL "fighting" over Billie like she's a bit of meat (honestly don't see what the fuss is about)

Emma xo

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